
Description of used coordinates in MATSim simulation

Prague / Czechia

Coordinates: S-JTSK + Bpv (YXH) (EPSG:5513, EPSG:2065)

Why EPSG:5513 (and not EPSG:5514)?

MATSim EPSG:5513

Matsim cannot comprehend negative axis values while projecting long-lat to x-y.

Result: switched axes!! MATSim's 5513: x = 7...., y = 10...

Official Krovak EPSG:5514 (is negative): [x,y]

In relation to official Krovak:

  • EPSG:5513 (is positive): [-y, -x]

  • MATSim's EPSG:5513: [-x, -y]

Last updated