
Generating Households


An individual's decision depends on both his/her characteristics as well as on family situation and social connections. Defined social links affect realistic choices and daily routines of individuals, such as financial decisions or transportation modes - children driven to schools by parents, splitting one car between spouses etc. but also affect larger societal phenomenons such as disease transmission or opinion bubbles. Missing information about household also keeps us from generating a realistic population in terms of spatial distribution to residences and erases key characteristics defining each neigbohood and district. Therefore reliance only on individual-level information makes further socio-demographic modeling and analyses futile.



Available Data


  • SLDB, 2011 - individual-level data

  • HTS, 2017-19 - Cesko v pohybu travel survey - micro-sample ~2,5k people with both individual-level and household-level information


Work in progress:

GitHub repository

Repository contains tool for generating synthetic population for Prague from curently openly available aggregated data at CSU.

Last updated